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Graduated from foreign countries with qualifications comparable to German University can enter Germany to seek employment. This particular category visa is existing since 1st August 2012. The main objective of this program is to invite qualified international graduates and supplement the shortage of highly skilled workers.
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The visa process is simple. The candidate has to prove their University degree recognized in Germany and show sufficient financial background to support their stay in Germany. The successful applicant will get a visa for six months and can search for a job until the last day of the visa validity. In exceptional cases, a prolongation of the Visa is also possible. During this period, you are not eligible to work part-time or as self-employed. However, as soon as you get a concrete job offer in your field, you can apply for a working permit as well as a residence permit in the responsible foreigner’s office.
The following websites are some top job search Engines for Germany. Check if you can find any jobs for your profile before applying for job seeker visa.
Following are the step by step guide:
Please refer to the following link for getting a Job Seeker visa from India. The required documentation may vary considerably in different consulates. Details are available at http://www.india.diplo.de/contentblob/3662000/Daten/2683557/jobseeker.pdf