Sajil Pazhuparambil Jayarajan
DE-S is registered at the trade registry, District Court Charlottenburg under the number HRB 212785 B. Headquarter and place of jurisdiction: Berlin, Germany.
DE-S Consulting GmbH
Arnikaweg 36
Value-added-tax (VAT) identification number according to Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer § 27a value added tax act law: DE327576212
Because DE-S cooperates with a large number of product providers, DE-S can offer their clients an extensive selection in different essential consulting services and other immigration related sectors. DE-S performs the activities in terms of a broker in this respect.
Amtsgericht Charlottenberg
Handelsregister: Hardenbergstr 31, 10623
Vereinsregister: Amtsgerichtsplatz 1,14057
For all General Inquiries, Advertising, Editorial Matters, Content changes. Job Enquiry, Business Consulting, Technical matters, Privacy requests or Complaints, Administration
PLEASE CONTACT to our email:
Email: [email protected]
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